today's sky was magical... you need proof?
Cannot call it a rainbow.. but i guess it has all the colors that a rainbow has..
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Scattared Colors in the Sky
Jumper.. ready to jump
another view of the jumper spider we saw a couple of days back.. there we saw only the eyes.. here is the full frontal view!
here is another view
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Small Devil
Can someone ID please?
1. Here is when i spotted the bugs on the flower bush!
Had to do lot of re-positioning for the main shot.. the get the purple bokeh in the b/g!
2. Here is how it looked when i got closer!
3. Getting real close!
Monday, September 27, 2010
You are Mine.. Only Mine!
As Kshitija said... i guess we need to organize a MEGA-MACRO-SHOOT in my building's backyard.. every time i go there i end up finding something new-small-interesting which can do justice to my Raynox and vice-varsa!
Too bad i missed the KAAS mega shoot... so just waned down in the backyard for 30 mins and got this.. and more!
This one is a small spider (about 1/2 centimeter long) which was hanging out on a large leaf... and he was kind of SHY so it took lot efforts to get him to look into the camera...
Some other shots below (to check out the size and the overall creature) and couple of more will come tomorrow where you can see the full spider and still looking at the camera!
1. Here is when i spotted it
2. You can see the front view eyes.. still tiny
3. Getting REAL CLOSE (actually had to go away little to fit into ~300mm)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Got "Heart" to look into my eyes?
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Trust me .. i see macro everywhere now.. as if the Raynox is mounted on my eyes.. not just on my lens!!
And guess what.. i have started attracting insects... how many times does a large moth trapped in the house comes and sits on your lap and does not move even after you have taken 10 photos after changing lens and attaching the diffuser?
(the same question can also be asked as "how many of us don't "jump and shout" when a large moth comes and sits on your lap".. hahaha!)
Also imagine the awkward position to take the shot like the one above when its sitting on your lap facing right and not budging to move... ouch.. that hurts the back :D
I was quite fortunate that the camera bag was handy as i had decided to go for a small macro shoot in the backyard today morning (that was a wonderful shoot too.. you will see photos during this week)
I write too much when i am exited :D
few interesting out takes...
1. Full view top..
2. Look at that FUR
3. Can someone clean his eyes please?
4. On the pillow
5. My beloved kit
Canon 100D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DSC 250 + 2Ltr Pepsi Bottle Diffuser
Friday, September 24, 2010
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Back to the familiar territory!
Rose + Water Drops + Raynox + Diffuser
here is what you get!
Explored Sep 24, 2010 #130
Devotional Satisfaction
One more interesting photo from a wonderful 2-3 hours of shoot on 22nd Sep (yesterday) on Visarjan day on Laxmi Road (Pune.)
Here is the full album of 35 photos:
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Expressions.. of Devotion & Joy
It was a wonderful 2-3 hours of shoot on 22nd Sep (yesterday) on Visarjan day on Laxmi Road (Pune.)
Here is the full album of 35 photos:
... my main aim was to capture expressions and that's exactly what i tied with the 70-300 lens when almost everyone else was out there with a WIDE ANGLE lens.. please give pass your bricks / roses / suggestions!...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Signature Spider
First time i am capturing this creature.
Interestingly this is Raynox dsc 250 mounted on Deepak Kul's 50mm-1.8!
Exposure: 1/200s: f/13 : ISO 400 .. on camera flash with thermacol glass as diffuser
Taken with Deepak's 50mm f/1.8 in Pu La Deshpande park on Sunday Morning! Nice little casual shoot.
there was lot of wind and f/1.8 really helped to get this one in focus (1/4000 s... that's enough to keep anything in focus provided you have focused it right in first place :D)
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Pillars of Civilization
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Pillars of Civilization!! New York.. from the Brooklyn Side!!
Towers touching the sky!
From June Archives!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
In Search of Food
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Found this creature few days back during a macro shoot in the backyard... was planning to upload it for a month now... finally the photo sees the light :D
Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCS 250+ Home Made Diffuser
1. Close Up

2. Front View

3. Another Full View

4. Pointed Legs

Explored # 110
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Carpet Texture Butterfly
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anyone knows the name... I just loved this one to take the photo.. nice eye texture with a red-dot!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Framed Faith
Peeking view of Dagdusheth Ganapati through the carving .. manual focus to get the right focus...
Had to do something different.. tens of thousands of people take photos of this idol in these 10 days festival.. and i wanted a different view...
Let me know if you guys like it...
Thanks a lot to Anshum for inviting me for such a lovely shoot.. we could cover ALL major ganapati in 3 hours y'day.. totally empty being just the 3rd day that too Monday!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Modelling Shoot with a Dragon
I was honored to do a profile shoot for this beautiful model.. when i reached out to the grass land area behind my building.. as promised, he was waiting for me.. He was so cooperative and not at all shy of the flash!! Rather he was enjoying the attention...
He requested me to cover from both sides as well to complete the profile and he was so well prepared before taking his position that each view had a different color background.. who would not want to shoot a model that things so much :)
Photographycally.. best part this is NOT with Raynox.. rather its with the bare 70-300 mm sigma and on-board flash.. no diffuser this time!!
For the technical junkies who care more about numbers than the image (this is a joke guys.. no offense meant!):
Lens: Sigma APO DG MACRO 70-300
Focal Length: 300mm
Focus: First Manual & then turned to Auto
Flash: On Camera
Exposure: f/9.5: 1/200s : ISO 200.. (noise cleaned later)
Software: Picasa 3 & Noiseware Community Edition
Few other profile shots
1. From Right
2. From Left (on darker b/g)!!
If you have any modeling assignments.. please consider him!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Dilemma... should i sit or keep flying?
This is "second" time i have been able to capture a large bee in flight... and the trick is ... manual focus at 300mm... that's not as easy as it sounds :).. i am happy i made it... first time it was in US but the bee was small and the main subject was a flower :)
On this one... I wish i could capture some part of the eye, but on the other hand i love the legs formation and clarity.. need to give something to get something.. see couple of out-takes below..
Technical details...
Lens: Sigma APO DG MACRO 70-300
Focal Length: 300mm
Focus: Full Manual
Flash: On Camera
Exposure: f/11.3 : 1/200s : ISO 400.. (noise cleaned later)
Software: Picasa 3 & Noiseware Community Edition
couple of out-takes..
1. on green b/g.. but not enough details to make it main upload :(
2. Another one before it settled down!
Dilemma... should i sit or keep flying?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
कोरीव चंद्रकोर
So delicate so crafty and the shades give perfect idea about the shape.. not very often i have been able to capture the craters :)...
A Drop of water contains the whole world!
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First flower to our new rose plant.. and meghana's insistence that i take its photos before she cuts it for Ganapati :).. so here is the result!!
Water Drops.. not dew drops.. its come from water spray!
Friday, September 10, 2010
|| गणपती बाप्पा मोरया ||
I was carrying my camera in the car for past 4 days hoping to take exactly this photo.. i know 4 days back that this photo will have one idol in full focus and others blurred, and will have selective coloring... It happens few times that you visualize the photo.. then take it and then process it and it matches exactly the way you visualized...
See 2 more photos in comments!
My favorite festive for which i wait for the whole year.. its there tomorrow :D
Here is the photo before selective coloring
And with another angle!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Baya Male.. On Guard
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Young & Perched
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Can someone identify this bird? (I thought its robin first but it not, someone said its a juvenile bird.. but not sure of the ID).