Wednesday, July 24, 2013

कुणाच्या डोक्यावर कुणाचे ओझे

Macro Magic

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
Shot last week (along with the flower shot on cover photo) original idea was to get the complete flower in the drop on spider's head... but the spider was too active to do the setup.. will try some time later with another spider.

Also the folded leaf at the bottom hiding some details.. kya kare!

Scenic Farming

Monsoon 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

o O O o

Macro Magic

Canon 550 D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
+ YN 467 + Fotodiox 6" x 8" softbox
f/20 || 1/200s || ISO 100

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Jumping Spider

Macro Magic

Just carrying home some water. (Jumping Spider)
Wanted to check if i can still click decent photos with Raynox.

Canon 550 D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
+ YN 467 + Fotodiox 6" x 8" softbox
f/20 || 1/200s || ISO 100


Macro Magic

I was almost frozen, thanks for giving some warmth with the flashes 

Canon 550D + Manual Extension Tubes (6 individual tubes) + Industar 50-2 50mm f/3.5


Macro Magic

All Wet

Macro Magic

Old shot from 3 years back, never managed to process this one since the sister shot was so good it managed to land up for D10... 

Found this one while doing some space-management.

Equipment: Canon 1000D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250 
Light: Pop-up flash with home made "bazooka" diffuser (from soda bottle)
EXIF: f/13 || 1/200s || ISO:100

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Macro Magic

Can you find Canon?


Macro Magic


Home grown Rose + water spray + kids pom-pom (glitter)

Canon 550D + Manual Extension tubes + CZ 50 1.8
+ YN467 + diffuser 
f/22 || 1/200s || ISO 100

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Bubble Collection

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Timeline Photos

Let's Splash the World

Timeline Photos

Heavenly Kashmir (Landscapes Collection)

Heavenly Kashmir (Landscapes Collection)

Monsoon 2013

Monsoon 2013

Monsoon 2013

Monsoon 2013

Monsoon 2013

Monsoon 2013

Take Off?

Macro Magic

Take Off?

Canon 550D + CZ 50mm + Manual Extension tubes (full set of 3 tubes)

f/11 || 1/200s || ISO 100


Macro Magic

Anu's pet for 1 day (now back released into the park)

I am Shy

Macro Magic

Bugs Maternity Photography

Macro Magic

Maternity Photography.

As my close friends would have observed, i started with portraits, then moved on to wedding photography (including new high-court definition). Had done child photography in the meanwhile.. so with some persuasion from clients, i also did a session on Maternity Photography. Do send in the inquiries directly to me. I will give you due credit (and share the compensation!) Thank you!

Protector + Predictor

Macro Magic

Protector + Predictor
Interesting mix of protective case for the fruit (and flower) and sticky tentacles to catch small prey like flies as you can see a few already trapped.
Nature continues to surprise.

Canon 550D + manual extension tube (smallest) + Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 1.8/50 

f/22 || ISO 200 || 1/200s

Green Tree Bug

Macro Magic

Some Green Tree Bug

Canon 550D + manual extension tubes (set of 3) + Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 1.8/50 

f/22 || ISO 200 || 1/200s

Tiny King

Macro Magic

Tiny King (about 3-4 millimeter in size end to end). Possibly a weevil beetle
P.S: I guess will need full screen to see texture on the eye.

Canon 550D + manual extension tubes (set of 3) Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 1.8/50 8544944 (different lens this time)

Dew Drop on Moss

Macro Magic

My World

Macro Magic

One from the bokeh-land.

Canon 550D + Manual Extension Tubes + Manual 50mm lens
f/11 || 1/200s || ISO:400

Brahma Kamal (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

Macro Magic

Brahma Kamal (Epiphyllum oxypetalum)

Canon550D + Extension Tubes + 50mm manual lens

Thanks to Pankaja for planting the bush in our balcony.. its going to be fun as 6 of these buds blossom in coming days.

Peacock Feature... Look CLOSELY

Macro Magic

Individual strands of peacock feather.
Not sure about "x" magnification.. but i guess next step would be microscope...

Drop on Peacock Feature

Macro Magic

New Setup Attempt: 3 (Water drop on peacock feather)
Let me know if this is good enough to use further?

Shot at 300mm.

Canon 550D + 6 extension tubes (two full sets) + 70-300 lens + raynox dcr 250.

The Ball Pen

Macro Magic

New Setup Attempt: 2 (Ball Pen Tip)
Let me know if this is good enough to use further?

Shot at 70mm.

Canon 550D + 6 extension tubes (two full sets) + 70-300 lens + raynox dcr 250.

Extreme Macro

Macro Magic

New Setup Attempt: 1 (Ball Pen Tip)
Let me know if this is good enough to use further?

Shot at 300mm.

Canon 550D + 6 extension tubes (two full sets) + 70-300 lens + raynox dcr 250.


Macro Magic

Illustration: Fibonacci / Golden Ratio (Snail Shell)


Macro Magic


Macro Magic

Stack of 3.. one for the leaf, one for body and one for eyes.


Macro Magic

I believe in making friends with my models...
Some agree, some just give me a "dog-pose"!!


Macro Magic