Friday, August 23, 2013

Just checking surface tension

Macro Magic

Just checking surface tension.

I was amazed to see the ladybug claw holding on to water surface but now drowning into it.
May be its caused by the leaf's water resistance that the water formed such shape that the bug could "stand" by holding it! Any science guys able to explain it?

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
Light: camera mounted YN467 with diffuser
Exposure: f/22 || ISO:100 || 1/200s

रामराम पावनं

Macro Magic

रामराम पावनं (had to resist the temptation to put a "gandhi topi" on its head in post processing!

This is one of more difficult images to stack... (3 shots stacked). The bee moved its legs and also its body position slightly, so stacking was tad difficult, but eye texture and drop on the wings were both too tempting to leave out of the image.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Climbing Down

Macro Magic

Some people have asked me how I create a black background on the field.. I don't, the flash does.

In this picture, since the closest leaf / tree from the grass blade did not get sufficient light from the flash, its fully black. 
When you are at f/22, ISO 100, 1/200s, if the flash does not fire you get a black frame, and if the light falls only on the subject you get perfect subject isolation.

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250.

Butterfly.. Cute? no way!

Macro Magic

OK.. this is the closest i have been to a live butterfly.. and they are anything but cute from this angle and this close! (Almost no crop on this one).
Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250

Red Thought Queen

Macro Magic

Red Throat Ant
for some reason, i see a human face in the bokeh... do you? (our brains are "programmed" to see human faces in abstract things)
Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250

Protective Mother

Macro Magic

Protective Mother

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250

Let's play hide and seek

Macro Magic


Macro Magic

Ladybug .. 3 handheld shots taken for stacking.. i had done single insect stacking before, but this is first time i am stacking three separate (crossing!!) objects.. happe it worked out well

Macro Magic

Happy World Photography Day

Macro Magic

Happy World Photography Day

Shot @ ARAI Tekdi, Pune
Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
@70mm Exposure: 1/200s || f/22 || ISO 100

Desktop Wallpaper Anyone?

Macro Magic

Desktop Wallpaper Anyone? (feel free to use / share)

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250

This time i managed to stretch the light far enough to create the "back-light"

Nature has treats for everyone, you just need an eye for it.

Macro Magic

Nature has treats for everyone, you just need an eye for it.

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
@70mm (wide): EXIF: f/22 || 1/200s || ISO 200
Location: Pashan Lake
 — at Pashan Lake, Pune.

Do i look scary? no i am so cute!

Macro Magic

Do i look scary? no i am so cute!

Threw all magnification i had on to this one.
Canon 550D + Manual Extension tubes (full set) + Sigm 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250.
Light: Single flash YN467 camera mounted with diffuser
Exposure: f22 (manually set) || ISO 800 || 1/200

Morning Dew.

Macro Magic

Morning Dew. Mud dauber
Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
@76mm 1/200s || f/20|| ISO400

I am Monday.. Look at me

Macro Magic

I am Monday.. Look at me

Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
At max magnification (300mm), at awkward position since the spider was sitting underneath a leaf to guard its den.

Pashan lake has never failed me!


Macro Magic


Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250 + YN467 strobe + diffuser

standard exposure 1/200s || f/20 || ISO 100

Processed(!!) in Picasa, bit of cross processing, Emulate HDR, slight tewarking with highlights / shadows / fill light.

Candle Timelapse

Macro Magic

Here is the timelapse that came out of the effort! Burning Candle Raynox Macro Timelapse Shot with Canon 550 D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250 interval 3 seconds. 631 pictures August 8 at 11:56am · Like · Remove Previe


Macro Magic


Macro Magic


Equipment:Canon 550D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250
Light: YN467 through fotodiox softbox
EXIF: f/16 || 1/200s ||ISO:100

Weekend is here..

Macro Magic

Weekend is here.. time to get into the hole
(or get out of the hole, depends on which side of the hole you are during the week!)


Macro Magic


Macro Magic

Crossing Over

Macro Magic

Pregnant Fly

Macro Magic

Maternity Photography.

As my close friends would have observed, i started with portraits, then moved on to wedding photography (including new high-court definition). Had done child photography in the meanwhile.. so with some persuasion from clients, i also did a session on Maternity Photography. Do send in the inquiries directly to me. I will give you due credit (and share the compensation!) Thank you!

Macro Magic

Take Off?

Macro Magic

Take Off?

Canon 550D + CZ 50mm + Manual Extension tubes (full set of 3 tubes)

f/11 || 1/200s || ISO 100


Macro Magic


Home grown Rose + water spray + kids pom-pom (glitter)

Canon 550D + Manual Extension tubes + CZ 50 1.8
+ YN467 + diffuser 
f/22 || 1/200s || ISO 100

Can you find Canon?

Macro Magic


Macro Magic

was so good it managed to land up for D10... 

Found this one while doing some space-management.

Equipment: Canon 1000D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250 
Light: Pop-up flash with home made "bazooka" diffuser (from soda bottle)
EXIF: f/13 || 1/200s || ISO:100

Let me know if this shot is still worth sharing! I thought it is.


Macro Magic


Macro Magic

I was almost frozen, thanks for giving some warmth with the flashes 

Canon 550D + Manual Extension Tubes (6 individual tubes) + Industar 50-2 50mm f/3.5

Just carrying home some water. (Jumping Spider)

Macro Magic

Just carrying home some water. (Jumping Spider)
Wanted to check if i can still click decent photos with Raynox.

Canon 550 D + Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250

o O O o

Macro Magic

o O O o

Canon 550 D + Manual extension tubes + CZ 50mm 1.8
+ YN 467 + Fotodiox 6" x 8" softbox
f/11 || 1/200s || ISO 100

For that little star in your eyes.

Macro Magic

For that little star in your eyes.

Canon 550D + Manual Extension Tubes + CZ 50mm 1.8 + YN 467

f/11 || 1/200s || ISO 200

Highly Reflective

Macro Magic

Spider week continues... hope you like.

This one with Sigma 70-300 + Raynox DCR 250


Macro Magic

Enough is Enough

Macro Magic

Hanging Flower Drops

Macro Magic


Macro Magic